
Dragonfly: transformation, rebirth, new beginnings, prosperity, good fortune, spiritual growth, emergence.

About 6-7 years ago, Rob and I were sitting around our fire pit table one evening with my parents, while we were living in California. I was lamenting about how I felt I was not on track and it was frustrating me. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to be doing as an intuitive and hypnotist helping people, but I felt unfulfilled. With a quivering voice, as I was on the verge of tears, I said, “I need to reinvent myself because I keep doing the same thing over and over again, and it just never works out the way I want it to. But I don’t know how. How does one reinvent themselves?”

It’s something I repeated time and time again after, but I had the answer all along. I was doing everything BUT what my heart was telling me. You see, for decades I’ve been advising people to get out of their heads and drop their focus down to their heart. And ask themselves: if you could do one thing where money or time was not an obstacle, what would that be? The first answer that comes is your truth.

My answer has always been—without fail or change since I was little—writing. But I never listened to my own advice and did everything but write with the exception of the occasional blog. Why? Because of my own fears and self-sabotage.

Then last year into this year, the change started to happen slowly as everything started to align…because I finally made the decision to listen to my heart. Age helped as well because I care more about what’s important with the years I have left, and less about what others think or what that old fearful voice said. And so, with the push from Rob, I wrote. And wrote. And wrote.

Today, as I stared at the dragonfly lying on the grass, I realized that I did finally reinvent myself. It wasn’t planned, plotted, or manipulated. It was just natural because I got out of my own head. I’ve felt a peace and joy that has previously eluded me. Thank you, dragonfly, for the sign that all is well.


The Wind of Your Life


Announcement: New Book