I am so excited about announcing my debut book from Dogfather Publishing: The Ghosts of Misawa and Other Phenomena!

Available through Amazon!

I had been told for decades that I needed to write down my paranormal experiences as a young airman in the Air Force and put them into a book. But I never did because…well, uh,…life. It wasn’t until Spring of 2023 that I realized I was going to be 53 years old later that year, and if not now, then when? I’m not getting any younger and who knows how many years I have left in me?

I sat down to write my book, but struggled for a while. The writing part was easy. I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. I’ve even had an experience of mine published in Sylvia Browne’s Mother God: The Feminine Principle to Our Creation. I’ve never done a book of my own, however. A published one, that is. So when Dogfather Publishing entered my life, via my husband, Rob, it was an opportunity I knew that shouldn’t be wasted.

Still, I wondered how well memory would serve me, how I was going to protect the identities of the people involved in my stories, and what would I be able to say or shouldn’t say since I would be talking about specific areas of Misawa Air Base. When I got out of the military, I was debriefed. It all boiled down to: forget everything you saw and knew. I had to figure out what was sensitive information and what wasn’t. I had to remain mostly general in my descriptions without too much detail. The Elephant Cage, mentioned in my book, was easy. It no longer exists.

Then, as with a lot of people, I had moments where I thought, “Ugh! Is anyone even going to read this anyway? What if I do all this work for nothing? What if I only sell 10 books?”

I worked on the book little by little over the following months and by the end of 2023, I realized, So what? So what if I only sell 10 books, which I know will be family members and a few friends? Do I really want to look back at my life in the end and realize that I never did write that book and sold none at all?

All my life I’ve always been a writer. Short stories, a couple of books that never saw the light of day, poems, blogs, long social media posts. Writing is my passion. Writing is also where my heart sings, where it resides in that inner core of passion and purpose. I considered myself a jack-of-all-trades, however. Growing up I wanted to be a oceanographer, archaeologist, Naval aviator, and writer at various times. In my adulthood, I became a USAF Security Police Military Working Dog Handler, stay-at-home-mom, and bounced from job to job ranging from everything to an elementary school custodian to a Southern California regional rep for a company that created challenge coins and teddy bears for military installations. I went to school at Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) and became a Certified Master Hypnotist. So, I put energy into hypnosis and continuing education to stay on top of the lastest in the world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. And for a couple of decades, I also put my natural intuitive skills to work giving intuitive and mediumship readings to clients all over the world.

It was the latter that I thought was supposed to be my purpose. Somehow, it did not fulfill me like I thought it would, though. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoyed helping people bridge the gap between who they really are and the daily world they live in. I felt blessed to be able to give them messages from their loved ones and guides from the Other Side. Still, something felt like it was still missing.

Every now and then I would drop my focus out of my chaotic head and down into the quiet of my heart, asking, “If money and time were no object, what is it that I would really be doing with my life?”

And each and every time the answer would surprise me: Writing.

Now, I shouldn’t be surprised. But yet, somehow I was each time, which is almost comical. I thought the answer was supposed to affirm that I was on the right path and to keep on doing readings and bring teachings to others through my videos on TikTok and YouTube. Not! The answer was always writing.

At the end of 2023 after I realized that it’s now or never to write my book, I did one last test. Being a hypnotist, I took my self into the hypnotic state and went to visit the Akashic Records. I was immediately met by a woman who was overjoyed to see me. She took me to my records where I could read what it was that I was supposed to be doing. I cried when I read what my true purpose was: Writing. And I saw all the books I’m going to do. When I came out of the hypnotic state wiping tears from my cheeks, that was all the validation and affirmation I needed.

Right after the new year of 2024, I got rid of all distractions, which is the message I kept receiving intuitively. I deleted games off my phone. I got off of all my social media accounts. And I got busy. Typing day in and day out. Interviewing Rob to help remember details and ask him specifics about his own experiences. It was a true team effort. And lucky for me, my sister agreed to be my editor, being a writer herself and veteran Navy journalist. Then came the artwork for the cover. Who knew that a picture Rob took of K9 Cellie and I back in Misawa in 1991 would one day be the first thing you see of my new book?

Once I got back in touch with friends and family after Easter, my heart felt full by the response about my book. I don’t know how far it will reach, but I’m excited about the journey…the most invaluable part of this whole experience.

I hope you all will enjoy it!

