The northern tip of Honshu, Japan is beautiful with its mountains, woods, lakes, ocean, and countryside. It can also be an unforgiving place with typhoons, strong winds, snow and ice, massive earthquakes, tsunamis…and spirits.

Follow the eerie, true experiences of the paranormal and unidentified flying objects at Misawa Air Base from Air Force Security Police personnel. The author, Christine, was a young Airman First Class Security Police Military Working Dog Handler when she was stationed at Misawa Air Base in 1991 as her first duty station. She thought she would be enforcing laws, and protecting military assets and personnel. Little did she know that her years in this ancient land would instead bring her the unseen and unexplained that all her military training could not prepare her for.

Seeking Your Paranormal Stories!

If you have had a paranormal experience that you would like to share and be considered for my next book—a compilation of true stories of the paranormal and unexplained experienced by people far and wide—please visit the Submission page to submit your story today. Thank you for helping others know they are not alone in their experiences!

Newest YouTube Video

The long awaited EVP (electronic voice phenomenon)! I do a lot of talking in the beginning to give background to those who have not read my book yet, but I promise I get to the EVP, played in all 3 speeds as mentioned in The Ghosts of Misawa Air Base and Other Phenomena.


I was recently a guest on the Podcast “You Can See Me in the Dark” co-hosted by Melissa Sweazy and Nate Reisman! Visit their podcast by clicking the title links below to hear me share a few of the stories you can find in my new book The Ghosts of Misawa Air Base and Other Phenomena:

Episode Part I: Ghosts of Misawa.

Episode Part II: Dead Cold Mama

I had a blast and Melissa was awesome to talk to!

I was also recently a guest on Jim Harold’s Plus show “Ghost Insights”! Stay tuned to a further update about when and where to listen in. Jim was also awesome! He has had the longest running paranormal podcast in the U.S. called “Jim Harold’s Campfire”, as well as other podcasts that deal with true crime and the paranormal.

I feel so honored and appreciative to have been invited onto these podcasts and I hope you all enjoy listening to the episodes!

Thank you for stopping by! I’m very excited about my debut book The Ghosts of Misawa Air Base and Other Phenomena. Sharing my personal experiences and those of others has been a true labor of love. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.